
Dinker Agriculture Producer Company Limited: Empowering Farmers in Rajasthan

Dinker Agriculture Producer Company Limited (DAPCL) is the SPV for Tijara Fruits & Vegetables Cluster, Rajasthan that aims to improve the income of associated farmers i.e.640 in the Tapukara Block of Alwar district, Rajasthan, India. Founded in 2019 with the support of End Poverty the Implementing Agency, DAPCL assists farmer producers in earning a profitable income from fruits and vegetables by bridging the gap between farmers and markets.
Background End Poverty NGO began its work in the Tijara Block of Alwar District in Rajasthan in 2009. Initially, the organization focused on girls’ education and basic village infrastructure. Over time, End Poverty facilitated more than2,800 adolescent girls’ literacy, more than 50,000 fruit tree sapling donations, and regular road constructions. The organization also helped in facilitating the convergence of government schemes.
In 2019, after much deliberation with the community, farmers agreed to work towards an organized approach to change their circumstances. End Poverty supported them to request a warehouse facility under the Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) scheme of the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises(MSME) Government of India (GoI). IMEDF is the Nodal Agency, and Inquisit Consultants is the Technical Agency.
The role of NA and TA played a crucial role in providing guidance, handholding support, technical assistance, etc. With their support, the farmers were able to set up DAPCL and improve their livelihoods by aggregating and marketing fruits and vegetables. Inquisit Consultants helped to create abridge between the farmers and the market, facilitatingmarket linkages and providing training and exposure visits to the farmers to help them learn about advanced agriculture practices. They also provided consultation and procurementof agriculture inputs, training, and problem-solving related to seeds and fertilizers.
The birth of DAPCL DAPCL is a result of the SFURTI scheme, which is a government initiative to promote traditional industries’ cluster development. DAPCL was established as a producer institution under the scheme. Itsprimary focus is to improve associated farmer’s incomethrough farm productivity enhancement, market-basedinterventions, and value chain development. Currently,DAPCL operates in the Tapukara Block of Alwar district ofRajasthan state.
Market linkages DAPCL’s primary objective is to assistfarmer producers in earning a profitable income from fruitsand vegetables. The producer institution aims to fill the gapbetween the market and farmers. DAPCL focuses onbringing locally produced fruits and vegetables to consumersby providing farmers direct access to the urban markets.
Training and exposure visits DAPCL also engages withfarmers through various types of training and exposure visitsto provide knowledge about advanced agriculture practices.Farmers are encouraged to learn about new innovationsbased on training provided to them. DAPCL aims toempower farmers with the necessary skills and knowledge toimprove their farm productivity.
Seeds and fertilizers DAPCL’s engagement with the clusterfarmers includes consultation and procurement of agricultureinputs, training, and problem-solving related to seeds andfertilizers. Farmers are provided consultation with expertswho advise remedies to mitigate crop diseases, use goodseeds, and provide information about the quality andrequired quantity of fertilizers.
Fresh vegetables and fruits DAPCL promotes ‘farm to table’and focuses on providing farmers direct access to the urbanmarkets. The producer institution is a bridge betweenfarmers and consumers. Its products include regular,seasonal, and exotic vegetables, guava, lemon, andpomegranate.
Conclusion Dinker Agriculture Producer Company Limited isa producer institution that is empowering farmers in the Tapukara Block of Alwar district, Rajasthan. Its primary focus is to improve associated farmer’s income through farm productivity enhancement, market-based interventions, and value chain development. DAPCL’s engagement with farmers through various types of training and exposure visits, consultation and procurement of agriculture inputs, and direct access to urban markets has resulted in a significant increase in the income of associated farmers.

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